E-Mail Project

Outline of the project:

There were thirteen schools involved in the project. Each school linked with two others forming four groups of three. Cheselbourne Village First School was be in a group of four schools, since they have the least number of children.

The theme of the Literacy Strategy for Spring Term 2000 was story telling.

The proposal for this project was that pupils will:
a) start to tell a well-known story and e-mail it on to the next school, to be continued
b) continue and conclude writing a well-known story received from the previous schools
c) write their own stories and share them with others.


At the beginning of the Spring Term, Nikki Griffin from the ICT team held a meeting for all Year 3 teachers to explain the process of the project and to give all staff some training in using Easy Mail.

Each school then received a minimum of one half-day of ICT Team support time provided by Nikki Griffin, where the pupils will had the project explained and were given some training in using Easymail. There was a practice story beginning sent to each school to enable them to learn how to forward an e-mail to another address. It was important that the pupils had already thought about their first story, so that time wasn't wasted.

Nikki produced individual step-by step guides for each school to enable them to carry out this process when she is no longer there!

To make the process easier, the e-mail addresses of the other schools were put in each school's Easy Mail address book.


· Developed teacher's confidence (and thus pupil's use) of e-mail effectively with year 3 pupils through a co-ordinated project, involving the First Schools in the Dorchester Pyramid.
· Shared ideas between pupils of the same age, supporting work introduced as part of the Literacy Strategy.
· Forged links between teachers in different schools through the sharing of this project.
· Enabled pupils to develop their writing, through the sending and receiving of stories from other schools.
· Used e-mail to effectively support the Literacy Strategy.
· Teachers and pupils became aware of the Acceptable Use Policy.
· Published case studies of how e-mail has been used successfully with pupils.


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