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What is DASP?

The Dorchester Area Schools Partnership (DASP) came into being in 1992. Its mission is simple: to provide the best education for all the students who are educated in the Dorchester area. For this, we involve volunteers and partners who help with the implementation of projects, as well as resources like https://buy-essays-now.com/ which help coordinate your efforts and ideas. We are made up of 19 schools - 13 First, 3 Middle, 1 Upper, an independent Prep school and a Learning Centre.DASP mosaic

By linking our resources, expertise, enthusiasm and commitment we are able to provide a level of continuity in our educational provision that few can match.

The Partnership has an Annual Development Plan and Development Group and we work together on all key agendas in education.

Our strength as a group has meant we are able to make particular progress in Behaviour Support, Information and Communication Technology, Assessment, the maintenance of our buildings, literacy, staff development and a whole host of other initiatives.

The Partnership leads the way in Dorset and perhaps nationally in ensuring that resources are used in the most effective way to provide a relevant and successful education for all.

The main aims of DASP are to ensure that all children within the partnership schools will enjoy education that is appropriate to their age, needs and ability.

All of the schools are committed to working together to...

... provide a coherent education for all children
... share expertise and resources
... use common systems of recording pupils' progress
... ensure a smooth transition between schools

"DASP provides a means for passing information about pupils and for building curriculum continuity which enables schools to share resources effectively" (OfSTED 1997)