If you went through the pages of the site and understood that you didn't find useful information for you, be sure to contact and also go through the proposed list.
See the Student Voice Page.
Information from the DASP Schools Student Voice groups
Useful Links
The internet is a fantastic source of information and entertainment - here are some links for you to try. However, you should also be aware of some of the issues that arise when you are on-lne. Please have a look at the E-Safety page.
Ask Jeeves Kids is a Search engine for young people. Type in a word or a phrase to search the net.
BBC Learning is part of the BBC website and includes lots of useful links.
| is the Guardian Education service. Mostly suitable for older pupils.
4 Learning is the education area of the Channel 4 website
Living Library is the RM Information Source. Your school will need to be subscribed to use it.
Google for Kids and Teens.
BBC Schools is the part of the BBC website that links with Schools programmes.
Education World is an American site, but has some interesting material for UK education.
Learning Alive is the RM service for schools.
School Net is a site where you can search by Key Stage and subject.