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To become knowledgeable about the topic of E-Safety, you can do your research and familiarize yourself with all the materials, concepts and ideas, or read or request a writing an interview essay on a specific topic or author using https://essaysleader.com/write-an-interview-essay/ This is a very important issue for Governors and is covered in detail at this page. Do please have a look, where you will find help sheets and links to other websites.

Useful Links

Here are some useful websites you might like to look at.

direct gov logo
sgoss logo

The County Council, Dorset For You section for School Governors


Becoming a School Governor, information from Direct Gov.


School Governors' One Stop Shop





The National Governors' Association is the representative body for school governors in England.





Once agreed and approved, minutes of DASP Governors meetings will be available here as public documents.