Newspaper/E-Mail Project

Outline of the project:

All thirteen DASP First schools are involved in the project. The aim of the project is to promote the use of e-mail between DASP schools and to gain some Desk Top Publishing skills.


Each half term, two schools produce a newspaper in either Word or Publisher. The DASP schools are divided into 2 groups and each school within a group contributes to the current newspaper of that particular half term from within that group. The contributions are made by children, using e-mail. The e-mails are kept in Easy Mail and copied and pasted from there, or saved to disk. The paper is produced within one day and no more.


Improved use of e-mail

Greater understanding of Desk Top Publishing

Improved social/editorial skills

Greater links between DASP schools

To see the newspapers produced, click on the links below. New papers created will be added as they are produced

Owermoigne First (Publisher 2000) St Mary's First, Dorchester (Zipped Word File)

Puddletown First (Publisher 98)

Cerne Abbas/Cheselbourne (Publisher 98)
Prince of Wales Manor Park    

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