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What have DASP schools been buying with their ELCs?

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As a result of a survey of teachers in our schools, the following is a list of software that has been bought with e-learning credits by DASP schools, with brief teacher's comments where they were given. No specific recommendation is implied, but positive comments might assist in purchasing decisions. Software is not listed in any particular order.


Product Name
Teachers Comments
Junior Viewpoint - Logotron  
Easiteach Maths - RM

Very good Maths teaching tool. Good for interactive whiteboards

Very good, especially with SEN

ICT Alive - RM Looks good, still evaluating
First Workshop - Granada Very easy to use
Cloze Pro - Crick Very useful for many areas, integrates with Word.
Music Box - Topologika  
Cornerstones for Writing - Granada Good for Key Stage 2 Writing
Roamer World - RM Very good for Year 2: introduction to Logo.
Textease Studio - Softease  
Oxford Infant Atlas - Sherston  
Oxford Reading Tree - Sherston Very useful for independent work or whole class reading on interactive whiteboard.
Teddy Bears Picnic - Sherston  
Interactive Comprehension (Yr 3 and 4) - Rigby Navigator  
Zoombinis Maths - TAG General Maths activities for independent use.
E-Mail Detectives - Sherston  
Sibelius - SES  
Snapshot Numeracy - RM Great potential
RM Maths - RM  
Easiteach Literacy - RM  
Snow White and the 7 Hansels - Tivola/RM Excellent for fairy tale work, can change endings with entertaining results
Lesson Maker - Edutech Covers all areas of ICT units
Local Studies - Soft Teach Some difficulty in accessing
Evacuees - 4Mation Good for History topic
Pingu a barrel of fun - BBC Very useful for problem solving
Flexitree - Flexitree Good branching tree program

The following are some software titles that we have seen recently that might be of interest.

2Simple Music Toolkit An excellent music package for introducing principles of composition.
2Simple Developing Tray A program in which children attempt to predict the missing words in a passage. A brilliant resource, especially when used as a group activity.
Easiteach Studio and Literacy Studio is the framework program into which Literacy, Maths and (soon) Science can be plugged. Literacy makes a lot of activities very easy to achieve. For example, writing frames and cloze passages.

Websites of software companies

Look here for further details of the software mentioned above.


2Simple: www.2simple.com

4Mation: www.4mation.co.uk

BBC: www.bbc.co.uk

Crick: www.cricksoft.com

Edutech: www.edutechsystems.co.uk

Flexitree: www.flexible.co.uk

Granada Learning: www.granada-learning.com

Logotron: www.logo.com

RM Easiteach: www.rm.com

Rigby Navigator: www.myprimary.co.uk

Sherston: www2.Sherston.com

Sibelius: www.sibelius.com

Soft Teach: www.soft-teach.co.uk

Softease: www.softease.com

TAG: www.taglearning.com

Topologika: www.topologika.co.uk



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