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Carey Outdoor Education Centre 2007

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Carey Outdoor Education Centre - June 2007

Carey OEC (popularly called Carey Camp) is located near Wareham in Dorset. Each year the small DASP First Schools share the experience of a few days at the Centre. By pooling resources like this, even the very small schools are able to be involved in all activities. This week also fosters the spirit of co-operation between schools, as most activities are shared. To see 3 or 4 schools Year 4 pupils around the campfire, swapping stories and songs is a salutory experience!

Three quotes that say it all about Carey!

?Can we stay here a month!?

?The children were all so well motivated?

?I?m so tired, I just want to sleep?.


Activities include:

Low Ropes - building trust and co-operation

Orienteering - map reading

Art work (both conventional and using 'found' objects)

ICT - sensing and control

Country Dancing

Some of the children have written about their experiences:

At Carey camp we made our own food it was great. I was in a group of three I was with Sam and Joshua. Our mixture was tuna, pasta with carrots and sweet corn ? sounds and looked pretty awful, but tasted delicious. So much so that I went home and cooked the same for my mum!!! For dessert me and Sam had toffee apples and Joshua had rice pudding that Sam had cooked especially, then we played rounders in the field - it was fun but made our feet ache really bad!!!

by Jack

On Monday morning we had to roll down the tent sides and put down the ground mat and blankets. We made each others beds and had to sing when we woke up.

Me, Fred and Hayden were still asleep when everyone was singing! Someone was snoring in the night and it was really annoying. We want to go back to Carey Camp.

By Sophie and Ryan

At night time it is camp fire. You can have a hot chocolate and a big cookie and we sang bumblebee, meatball and avalanche songs. The best thing in the camp fire was singing the songs even though I was a bit nervous. I really enjoyed Carey Camp and would go again.

By James

At Carey Camp the food was fab. For starter we had home made tomato soup and bread which was ok but that wasn?t the last of the food. Next I had two chicken drummers and chips, the best thing was the drummers. I went up for seconds. Last but not least pudding, it was so good I ate Sophies. The pudding was rice crispies which were covered in chocolate and vanilla cream. On Tuesday breakfast time I had sausages, scrambled egg and toast. At lunchtime we made our own food, we cooked beans, pasta, hotdogs and pasta sauce and chopped up some nice carrots. It was yummy!

By Georgia

When we got at Carey Camp we got shown how to check the tents. We had to check that all of the side bits are under the ground sheet. And the pallettes in the door way t o be pushed in, to lift up the groundsheet.

At Carey camp you sleep in tents. You get put in groups of four. You will be put with one of your friends. You have to take a sleeping bag. They tell you how to make a bed out of a mat and two blankets. The tents are big and they were green. On the top their were red balls saying what number your tent is.


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