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DASP Teachers


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The Dorchester Area Schools Partnership

On 3rd January 2007, DASP held a Showcase day at the Thomas Hardye School. With more than 300 staff attending from all our schools, the event was opened by Jim Knight MP. It also featured memories of past pupils, who related their experiences of DASP. The bulk of the day was taken with workshops, which looked at some of the work going on in the Partnership. This included Assessment for Learning, Powerpoint, Orienteering and Behaviour Management; as well as activities such as art and juggling!




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DASP Showcase Resources

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The DASP Citizen Project

SENCO Handbook

Damers First School Recreate Warhol!

Transfer Project, using Digital Blue Cameras

Carey Outdoor Education Centre 2007

Worth a look - web services

DASP works in Partnership with

A number of workshops showed resources created by DASP Teachers. Wherever possible, we would like to make these available through this website. Follow the links to the resources.

Powerpoint Resources


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