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Transfer Project, using Digital Blue Cameras

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DASP Year 4/5 ICT Transfer Project


The idea of this project is for Year 4 Pupils to create short video files, which are sent to Middle Schools. These projects can be developed both independently and in cooperation with the outline writing service https://exclusive-paper.net/do-my-outline-for-me and thus you can concentrate on the task. In September, the pupils (now Year 5) create audio files to act as a trailer or promotion of the video. Year 5 teachers see the videos as a guide to Year 4 ICT skills and then work with them as Year 5 pupils to enhance the work already done, to provide a continuity of ICT work across Years 4 to 5. It also enables them to develop skills in taking video, editing video, working collaboratively as a group and producing storyboards.


Video files were created using the Digital Blue video camera (obtainable from TAG Learning). This can take up to 6 minutes of small screen video. It is very easy to use and allows a variety of special effects. Because of the cheap cost, DASP bought 2 class sets ? each of 10 cameras. These can be loaned to schools as sets, allowing whole classes to create video at the same time. The cameras include a site licence to the editing software, so no additional software is required. Audacity has been chosen as the program to create audio files. ( http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ )

The first stage of the project has been a huge success with First schools finding children really excited about the possibilities of the Digital Blue software. Some fantastic films have been made (especially in the area of stop motion). Time has proved a real issue as we find that film production is a lengthy process! However, most agreed that it was well worth the effort and want to use the cameras again. Many schools have bought their own Digital Blue cameras or are going to.

For the MIddle School ICT teachers, they have something to immediately talk about with their new Year 5s. Plus there can be a continuity of work which is re-assuring for the children.


Have a look at a couple of examples of the childrens work.

'Dr Who' produced by pupils at Owermoigne First..

Or this example from Broadmayne First



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