Education Development Plan (EDP)
Priority 1: Improve Pupil Achievement
Progress So Far
Over the last two years results at Key Stage 2 have improved significantly. GCSE results also improved significantly in 1999, after three years of little change. Both fixed-term and permanent exclusions are down and attendance has improved. Key Stage 1 results have also improved in both writing and mathematics.
Continuing Challenges
Further improvement is needed at Key Stage 3, particularly in English and mathematics. The overall quality of writing, particularly by boys, continues to be a weekness compared to other aspects of English. This year we are focussing on Years 1 and 3 in raising standards, as well as on target setting, where a minority of schools seem to lack confidence. A number of schools have low comparative grades (Ds and Es) when their results are judged against similar schools, on the basis of free school meals. This could lead to a hypothesis of coasting, both about individual schools and the local authority.
Year Two Activities:
(a) GCSE work aimed at improving performance in technology, modern foreign languages, mathemaics and science to continue for a second year (to include literacy).
Person Responsible: Dee Wheatley
(b) Improve boys overall performance by improving progress and attainment in English at Key Stages 1, 2 and 3 including the proportion reaching higher levels.
Person Responsible: Peter Barton
(c) Improve attainment and progress in writing at Key Stages 1 and 2, including the proportion reaching above average levels.
Person Responsible: Peta Llyod
(d) Improve attainment and progress in English and mathematics in Years 1 and 3.
Person Responsible: Sue Sharp
(e) Improve attainment and progress in English at Key Stage 3, focussing particularly on Years 7 and 8.
Person Responsible: Chris Donovan
(f) Improve the performance of SEN pupils, particularly in Key Stages 1, 2 and 3.
Person Responsible: Steve Cottrell
(g) Improve progress and attainment in Key Stages 1 and 2 through the use of effective target setting and assessment (special focus on literacy and numeracy).
Person Responsible: Teresa Bain
(h) Improve recruitment, retention and completion rates post-16.
Person Responsible: Jim Tirrell
Priority 2: Improve the quality of teaching
The overall quality of teaching particularly in Primary phase schools, identified as a comparative weakness at Key Stage 2 in OfSTED reports in 1998, has improved significantly. OfSTED inspection data from schools inspected since the end of 1998 shows that nearly 98 percent of all teaching in Primary phase schools is at least satisfactory and that 60 percent is good. Statistical analysis of secondary and middle schools also gives a similarly strong picture in the quality of teaching pupils receive in these schools.
A major priority carried out through the EDP has been to support school based monitoring of the quality of teaching. In nearly all schools some joint monitoring has taken place which has involved senior managers and School improvement Consultants in observing lessons and providing feedback to teachers. These activities have been part of the support for the process of school self-review and or the implementation of the National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies.
The key priority for this year is to increase the percentage of good and very good teaching grades given in OfSTED inspections in order to continue to raise standards in all Key Stages and national assessments. Two activity plans, in particular, have the potential to help us achieve this goal. These are the development of a good practice website, open to all teachers, drawing on effective classroom and school improvement practice and the support to be provided for Performance Management, which grounds this process in school self-review, school improvement and teacher appraisal.
Year Two Activities:
(a) Enhance teaching quality through use of materials and case studies of good practice disseminated through the phase-specific improvement websites (including literacy, numeracy, SEN, school with weaknesses).
Person Responsible: Sue Sharp
(b) Develop a planned approach to attracting quality teachers and headteachers to Dorset vacancies. Second year.
Person Responsible: Hugh Richards
(c) Enhance teaching quality by supporting NQTs with a planned programme of development.
Person Responsible: Peter Barton
(d) Improve pupils progress and the quality of teaching by enabling teachers to enhance knowledge, skills and understanding to reach National Standards for subject leaders and SENCO.
Persons Responsible: Ken Stephenson / Stephen Bugg
(e) Provide support for teachers and headteachers in implanting performance management.