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Staff Vacancies

DASP E-Learning Manager

Salary Range: Management B £26,494-£29,559

Dorchester Area Schools Partnership (DASP) has been successful in obtaining funding from the National College of School Leadership to establish a Networked Learning Community.

DASP consists of 1 Special, 13 First, 3 Middle and 1 Upper school and is at the cutting edge of innovative and collaborative ways of working together. The Partnership seeks to appoint an E-Learning Manager whose key role would be to create an E-Learning Community. This is initially a 3 year contract linked with NCSL funding.

The successful applicant will be a technical person with a background in education. They would be able to work within the Partnership to create an E-Learning Community and develop ICT resources which would benefit all areas of the curriculum in all phases.

The appointee would

  • Have a vision for ICT development which would put the Partnership at the cutting edge of ICT
  • Be innovative and imaginative
  • Have the skills to develop web based and other resources which involve ICT
  • Establish and promote video conferencing
  • Support and be involved with joint projects and cooperative work within the Partnership
  • Would liaise with Partnership curriculum groups, ensuring that ICT is high on their agenda
  • Be involved in staff training
  • Monitor and evaluate standard across DASP and the effectiveness of ICT in raising those standards
  • Good interpersonal as well as ICT skills
  • Work based at the Thomas Hardye School but within all Partnership schools

    To apply, please forward a letter of application and CV with names of two professional referees, or apply by e-mail, to Mrs J J Taylor, Deputy Headteacher, at the address below

    The Thomas Hardye School
    Queen's Avenue
    DT1 2ET
    Tel 01305 266064
    Fax 01305 250510
    E-mail [email protected]