Education Development Plan (EDP) Here you will find the online version of the Education Development Plan 2000-2001. Please read through it and navigate throught the various pages by using the 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons.
You will be aware that our original Education Development Plan received a high level of praise and was granted 3-year approval by the DFEE. However, we have always been conscious that unless the plan has a life in and relevance to schools it would not be effective. What is achieved for pupils is achieved in schools and our aim, expressed through the EDP, is to support you in that.
We have, therefore, tried to present in this document a clear account of what has been achieved and the further challenges that face all of us in Dorset. This years action plans will tell you what we intend to do about these changes.
Mike Young
September 2000
The Education Development Plan (EDP) is the LEAs plan for improvement. It is the means by which the LEA directs resources to support improvement in the provision made for pupils in Dorset schools. Its main purpose is to support schools in raising the standards achieved by their pupils.
The priorities for improvement in the plan are identified through an audit of school and pupil performance and from consideration of the key challenges facing schools as a result of national educational policy. These priorities have been agreed with the DFEE for 3 years, through to 2002.
This publication aims to provide information about the EDP activities for this year - how they will work and the key aspirations for which we will all be striving throughout the year.
An important change to note this year, is the development of a more differentiated approach in order to identify they, schools to be involved. There are activities for all schools such as a website of good practice, support for implenting performance management, data to help with pupil tracking, Year 4 and 8 tests and pyramid performance data. In addition, there are a number of targeted strategies to address specific weaknesses, for example, in assessment and target setting, the role of subject leaders and the performance of pupils in writing. Overall there are two key directions which underpin the EDP for this year:
1. To provide support which enables schools to be self-supporting, hence the emphasis on School Self Review.
2. The development of the pyramid structure.