The DASP Olympic Torch
Prince of Wales First
As part of its Olympic celebrations, DASP schools will be carrying an Olympic Flame from school to school. Each school will be looking at exciting ways to transport the torch. |
On Wednesday 23rd November 2011, St Mary's Catholic First School transported the Torch in Year relays. All years took part, including Reception taking the Torch in stages. Each year, starting with Reception, had an Olympic Ring. They then handed this on with the torch to the next year group positioned along the route. By the time the Torch was handed over to Year 4, they could hold up all 5 rings.
St Mary's Year 4 arrived at the Prince of Wales school, where a surprise awaited them. Athlete Mark Newton, a bronze medal winner at the Paralympics in Atlanta in 1996, was there to speak to them and the Prince of Wales Year 4. He was actually an ex student of Maiden Castle School, which became part of the Prince of Wales First School. He spoke about his determination to succeed and how important it was to have belief in yourself. The two school's children then got together for some Olympic based activities.
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